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It is mainly composed of canal systems, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layers, loose texture, and good water and fertilizer retention properties, supplemented by well-cultivated dry land(flat plastic tray). Especially when the winter ploughing and winter fertilizers are not prepared, the temporary land preparation and cultivation of dry seedlings should be carried out, and the vegetable garden soil should be selected first. Pay attention to the selection of early-early vegetable fields such as yellow bud white, cabbage and celery.

The mulberry leaves must be sprayed on both sides, especially on the back of the mulberry leaves. The cuticle is thin, with stomata distributed, and the fertilizer can easily penetrate into the mesophyll and function. In order to save leaf fertilizer, it can be sprayed on the young leaves or new shoots in a concentrated way, and the old leaves can be sprayed correspondingly with no dripping. The time is chosen to spray in the morning after the dew dries or in the evening when there is no wind, to avoid spraying under the scorching sun, and it can be sprayed all day.

In this winter, if you want to eat good garlic seedlings without going out, you can only plant garlic seedlings at home. Next, let’s take a look with Xiaobian how to plant garlic seedlings at home? In winter, I planted a few pots of garlic seedlings, which made me feel uneasy(plastic plant pots wholesale suppliers). Garlic sprouts can be sauteed, can be used for bacon, back-cooked meat side dishes, can be cooked in hot pot, used as seasoning for stews, and the usage is endless. If it rains within 6 hours after spraying, spray again.

The young tree has fewer flowers and less fruit, and the tree body bears light weight. It is necessary to prevent the spring shoots from growing too much and causing the flowers and fruits to fall, which affects the output value of the year. Compared with the old tree, the amount of fertilizer can be applied with less or no budding fertilizer. Post-fertilizer mainly depends on tree vigor. The fertilization of Myrica rubra should consider the nutrient levels of soil and tree body and the characteristics of fertilizer demand of Myrica rubra.

Watering in summer, please pay attention, just keep the pot soil slightly wet, just a little water. It has the characteristics of high-temperature dormancy in summer, likes warm, dry and sunny environments, is drought-resistant, avoids long-term wetness of potting soil, and grows at a suitable temperature of 10-25 ° C(wholesale nursery pots). In fact, it is very well maintained. Conservation under the environment, otherwise it is easy to lead to long legs. Pay attention to the use of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Adult trees need higher potassium fertilizers.

Avoid using high-water fields and old seedlings. The most important thing in field management is fertilization and irrigation. The difficulty is relatively large. If the control is not good, the rotten root of the dandelion will die. At the time of dandelion development, the requirement for water is extremely high. We must water it often. We cannot irrigate a lot at a time. Because this will rot, our frequency is more frequent and the amount is less. This can continue to ensure the humidity of the soil! The first is the fertility characteristics of bayberry.

The requirements for sunlight are not high, and they are often wild in the valleys and grasses of Beiyang Mountain. Sandy soil, clay is not suitable, resistant to barren. Select bamboo forest land with thick soil layer, loose texture, rich organic matter, good ventilation and drainage, 50% to 70% canopy closure, and 20 to 40 slope. From November to January of the following year, combine bamboo digging to shoot bamboo shoots for mowing and digging(plug trays wholesale). Remove the old bamboo pile, remove the stones, turn the weeds and litter into the soil, and break the soil.

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